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How to Get a Girlfriend in the Next 2 Weeks – Tatrapos

How to Get a Girlfriend in the Next 2 Weeks

how to get a girlfriend

Read more about how to get a good girlfriend here.

Hey! Chase Amante here.

I’m saying “man” for a reason. Women tend to keep in close touch with their girlfriends, and men keep hitting on her all time — keeping her social motor going. We men, on the other hand… we often become complacent, and forget to nurture our social life outside the relationship. Even with our best friends. When you are infatuated… your priorities change, and all you want to do is to be with your loved one.

It’s important however to do it right, or else you’ll come across creepy. With flirting I mean showing her clearly that you’re interested. If you don’t, then you risk being seen as “just a friend”. Every girl is at least a little crazy some of the time.

And if she says no, then she’s just not ready yet – you still need to keep the tone positive. Blowouts don’t exist. She just needs to grow more comfortable around you. I like to sit down and take a moment to fully appreciate her.

This approach will prevent you from jumping into something serious with a girl you’re not all that crazy about. It’ll also lead to a more healthy relationship whenever you do get into one. You should have the goal of meeting more women you connect with, and seeing where it goes from there. If a relationship develops, that’s cool – if not, that’s cool too. You know you can make a connection with another girl and take it from there.

Don’t be like that. It comes from a place of insecurity and girls don’t find that attractive. Don’t try and be too direct or flirty. Just be a nice guy and get to know who you’re chatting to.

  • Of course, if you’re taking risks and interacting with those women, it also becomes more apparent that they’re just regular people like you.
  • This also reverts back to the previous point of being comfortable in your own skin – you don’t have to be the best looking, funniest man in the world but if you’re confident with who you are, you will instantly be ten times more attractive than a really good-looking shy man.
  • If you know her from school or she’s already a friend then just ask her straight up, “Do you want to go out with me on Saturday night?
  • Or maybe you will, who am I to judge?

So, be attentive and listen. If you can’t handle hearing this girl talk, then she’s probably not a good match for you anyway. #7 Ask her on a date.

The mission doesn’t stop once you’ve entered the room. People often wonder how to get to this stage. They have what I call a “town mindset” – that sense of comfort only a big fish in a little pond can feel.

If you’ve built a great friendship with her, asking her to be your girlfriend will come easily. You can also try to figure out if she’s interested in being your girlfriend before you ask her so you can do it with confidence. When it comes time to pop the question itself, choosing the right setting, waiting for the right moment, and conveying how you feel clearly and directly will make the job much easier.

Chase woke up one day in 2004 tired of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out dating. After four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way), he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System. If you show too much “in the sack” interest before you meet a girl, you will fail miserably.

What makes her special? Why is she beautiful to you?

10) Don’t try to lock down another date

Even if you have all the cards set up for you, don’t lead the other person on and then just drop them. Cut the mixed signals and be honest with yourself. I’ve been ghosted before, it’s not fun figuring out why the guy has suddenly gone missing. #10 Know what to do under the sheets.

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